Answer: CDCynergy and SMART
=> CDCynergy
Process steps in CDCynergy:
(1) Problem Statement
(2) Analyze problem
(3) Plan Intervention
(4) Develop Intervention
(5) plan Evaluation
(6) Implement Plan
SMART criteria
(1) Specific
(2) Measurable
(3) Assignable
(4) Relevant
(5) Time Based
For a stock to be in equilibrium, two conditions are necessary:
(1) The stock's market price must equal its intrinsic value as seen by the marginal investor;
(2) the expected return as seen by the marginal investor must equal his or her required return.
<em>A proprietorship has three important advantages: </em>
(1) It is easily and inexpensively formed,
(2) it is subject to few government regulations, and
(3) it is subject to lower income taxes than are corporations.
<em>However, a proprietorship also has three important limitations: </em>
(1) A proprietor has personal liability for the business' debts.
(2) The life of the business is limited to the life of the individual who created it.
(3) A proprietorship has difficulty obtaining large sums of capital so proprietorships are used primarily for small businesses.
As all company structures, proprietorships have both advantages and disadvantages. Although the advantages mainly relate to feasibility, the disadvantages are often overlooked. The main disadvantage is the total liability of the owner, which is detrimental if the business faces tough times, which lead to liquidation.
International flows of funds can affect the Fed's monetary policy. For example, suppose that interest rates are trending lower than the Fed desires. If this downward pressure on U.S. interest rates may be offset by <u>outflows</u> of foreign funds, the Fed may not feel compelled to use a <u>tight </u>monetary policy.
A Tight Monetary Policy is when the central bank tightens policy or makes money tight by raising short-term interest rates through policy changes to the discount rate, also known as the federal funds rate. Boosting interest rates increases the cost of borrowing and effectively reduces its attractiveness.
Outflows of foreign funds or the flight of assets occurs when foreign and domestic investors sell off their holdings in a particular country because of perceived weakness in the nation's economy and the belief that better opportunities exist abroad.
The reasoning is as follows, the rate is down in the USA so holders of assets look for better rates abroad as a consequence there is less money in the US domestic economy and automatically the rate tend to rise (remember that interest rate is the price of money). If there is less supply of something the price of that something will go up (ceteris paribus). The same thing will happen to the interest rate without the intervention of the FED.