Test-retest reliability
Test-retest reliability has happened in statistical analysis. Test-retest reliability is of reliability. It is the external reliability. It is a statistical measurement tool to measure that the test is valid or not. It is about to conduct a test first time on a population and then again apply to the population. If the score of the first trial and the second trial are the same, the test will be valid. It indicates that the test is replicate and can be used more than one time at a specific period. The test-retest reliability indicates that the test has good validity. It is conducted two times T1 and T2 and the score will be the same. Linear correlation is used to measure the test-retest reliability of a test
A glacier will most likely become a dune
Any practices should best be based on a research - this is the correct answer. (a. child development and research) Research is the best source of actual knowledge, rather than people's best guesses (people's best guesses might lead government regulations, but it would be better if they also followed research results.).
naturalistic observation
Naturalistic observation refers to the type of research that conducted by observing the subjects' uncontrolled behavior when they are in their natural environment.
If the professor want to observe how children develop their social and intellectual skills, the school classroom is considered as the perfect natural environment because in this place children will show how they gather around the people that they like and form a close friendship with them. It also provide the data on how children would response to the teaching method and materials that the teacher gave them.