gold was discovered in the Yukon Territory in 1896
in 1897, thousands of prospectors came to the Yukon
The facts that are helpful in connecting To Build a Fire by Jack London to historical events are options A and D.
The novel To Build a Fire by Jack London is a short story that talks about a young miner that goes against the advice of an experienced miner and and enters a brutal weather on his way to another mining camp.
- Telling a story for maximum impact, tailoring your message to your audience, organizing your thoughts logically.
Public speaking skills are quite identical to day-to-day conversation skills. These skills would include 'telling a story or hypothetical example would help clarify the point effectively to the audience and produce maximum impact'. The speakers have often witnessed tailoring or modifying the idea or message in order to make it more convincing and engaging for the audience to relate to it. The logical organization of thoughts would not only comprehend the idea but uplift its efficacy and worth. Thus, these skills together contribute to effective public communication(or everyday conversation).
Is global climate change caused by humans?
Is the death penalty effective?
Is our election process fair?
Is torture ever acceptable?
Should men get paternity leave from work?
Are school uniforms beneficial?
Do we have a fair tax system?
Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
Is cheating out of control?
Are we too dependent on computers?
Should animals be used for research?
Should cigarette smoking be banned?
Are cell phones dangerous?
Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
The answer you are wanting is A, have a nice day!
"I had finished my chore by then, so what's the big deal?"