The answer is a. and b.
Diamond is pure carbon(C). Salt is pure sodium chloride (NaCl). Ocean water can contain a number of different elements mostly Water (H2O) and sodium (Na)
the clouhaudram is a representation of repitles with diffren chamberd hearts.Also the clauhgrdram is showing what reptile are in the same catogory besides the bird and the crocidile.
tauratura because they where her ner the time of dinosauros and then came snakes tthen ome snakes adapted to diffrent envirment and grew legs
the least related is a lizard and a tura tuar because they cam last the lizard did
hope this help
social anxiety disorder
social anxiety disorder is the fear of being judged by people or negatively assessing them, or rejected in a social situation
9. 1 Hudson highlands andadinorack mountains
10.4 rock salt
Because of Van Der Waals force the water molecules attract each other and stick together ...