Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing and an applied approach to optimal functioning.
Positive psychology is important because discovering what leads people to live more meaningful lives can translate to better strategies for managing mental illness, correcting negative behaviors, and increasing our happiness and productivity.
The 'disease model' or mental illness approach to psychology, which focuses on identifying what's wrong with people, in order to 'fix' them, has been challenged over the past two decades. Martin Seligman initiated the development of positive psychology in 1998.
This is a problem because the labels are being used for political not helpful reasons. There may be problems with concurrent validity in the diagnosis of mental health as there is a range of different diagnostic tools such as the DSM-V and ICD-10.
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a. exemplary of the doctrine.
Health Clinic Inc. has no written employment manual or oral discharge policy, avoids abusive treatment of its staff, and acts to prevent illegal and unsafe activities. The clinic freely hires and fires its employees, who are similarly free to quit at any time. With respect to the employment-at-will doctrine, this is <u>exemplary of the doctrine</u>.
Employment-at-will-doctrine means that an employee can be terminated at will at anytime without warning or reason and that an employee can also leave a job without any reason or notice.
4. Colonización portuguesa de Brasil
Por Amelia Meyer
Aunque estuvo habitado durante mucho tiempo por tribus y asentamientos prehistóricos, Brasil experimentó un tipo de habitación completamente nuevo durante el siglo XVI. En abril de 1500, los portugueses llegaron a las costas bahianas del río Buranhém, bajo la dirección de Pedro Alvares Cabral. Estos documentaron haber visto a habitantes indígenas al desembarcar en la playa, quienes los recibieron con ofrendas de paz de tocados hechos con plumas de loro.
Aunque los marineros portugueses se quedaron solo nueve días, los indígenas pronto quedaron fascinados por las herramientas de hierro utilizadas, la observancia del servicio católico y las bebidas alcohólicas que observaban. Debido a este interés percibido en la religión católica romana, los portugueses asumieron que estos se convertirían rápidamente al cristianismo una vez educados.
I am pretty confident that the shelters were made from wood and bones. However, I could be wrong, so try to find another source. I hope that my "answer" was useful!