There's a bunch of popular hats around the world so it depends :D
The main purpose of the Bill of Rights is to show the rights of American citizens, to show our liberty. The Bill of Rights protects our basic rights as Americans.
Far greater numbers of people could acquire land of their own.
Attitudes formed through more likely experience typically influence behavior more consistently than attitudes formed through having a weak effect on behavior experience.
Attitudes are formed directly as a result of experience. They may arise from direct personal experience or from observation.
Attitudes affect people's behavior both positively and negatively. People are not always aware of their attitudes and their impact on their behavior. People who have a positive attitude (contentment, friendliness, etc.) towards their work and colleagues can have a positive impact on those around them.
Attitudes are general and persistent positive or negative opinions or feelings about people, things, or issues. Attitudes are formed by direct experience or the persuasion of others or the media. Attitude has three bases: emotion, behavior, and cognition.
Learn more about Attitudes at
increase taxation, decrease spending
A budget deficit occurs when government expenses exceed revenue. To meet the financial obligation of the budget, congress should employ fiscal policies such as increased taxation to raise revenue so as to meet the budgetary obligation or conversely, they can cut down on governmental spending.