John Gray’s book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus was a number-one best seller for more than a decade. Which of the follo
wing is NOT one of the reasons his book has been so popular? a. It offers the appeal of easy-to-grasp, commonsense generalizations. b. People can easily relate to the ideas set forth in this book. c. The book is based on the sociological imagination, which is easy to grasp. d. People prefer quick and easy answers to why men and women act differently.
d. People prefer quick and easy answers to why men and women act differently.
John Gray’s book "Men Are from Mars" is a sort of go-to book for couples to try to improve their relationship issues. This self-help guide intends to try to make romantic relationships more happy, healthy and loving.
The advantage of this book lies in its usage of common English words and sentences that make its easy for everyone to understand them. It also enables the readers to easily relate to the issues talked about in the book, thereby capable of easy execution and copy of the ideas set in it. The sociological imagination based writing and addresses of the issues makes it easy to grasp and understand for everyone, making it an easy guide for one's own development and improvement.
The industrial and economic developments of the Industrial Revolution brought significant social changes. Industrialization resulted in an increase in population and the phenomenon of urbanization, as a growing number of people moved to urban centres in search of employment.