The globalization agenda.
Bill Clinton impacted positively on globalizing everything for America.
This was an important move for it increased the connection of the US to other countries .With this trade took best paths while it increased the economic returns of the USA .
Subsequently it was an idea that has lasted decade till the present and it has kept the economic graph of the USA on the map.
Phil was training for the marathon, so he had to Abs tain from junk food.2.Natalie wanted to watch the Retro spective on TV.3 .The foreman ensured work at the construction site went on smoothly.
1. "Phil was training for the marathon, so he had to abstain from junk food." is the right response. The verb "abstain" means to refrain from consuming, possessing, or engaging in something. Another situation where the term "abstain" can be used appropriately and meaningfully in a sentence is: "When Lisa learned she was expecting, she made the prudent decision to abstain from drinking and smoking.
2. Retro is the right response. Natalie wished to view the television retrospective. A retrospective is essentially any exhibit, show, or program that chronicles the whole course of a person's career or endeavors. For instance, a well-known musician or artist might do a retrospective to highlight their journey and professional development from the beginning to the end. Basically, a retrospective is a look back at something or someone's journey.
3. C. fore is the right response ".
At the building site, the foreman made sure everything ran smoothly "In essence, a foreman is a worker who directs and oversees other workers while they complete a project. Delegating work to other employees, providing them with training, and ensuring that the work is done effectively are all responsibilities and obligations of a construction foreman. A foreman is often a skilled worker who is considered a "senior" in their industry.
Learn more about foreman here
its true because they are lost and live in small campd
I believe the answer is: It refers to the tools and processes for handling data during a research study and after it concludes.
Data life cycle management would provide a record of information flow from the acquirement , initial storage, until the time when the information becomes obsolete after done being used and deleted. DLM could be used by other researchers who want to test/review the validity of other researchers' work, to know why and how a certain data is used during the research.
The scientific method is an unbiased technique to discover the natural world, draw inferences from it, and forecast the outcome of certain events, progressions, or changes. Scientists use it to speak about environmental problems because this method was established to enable the most accurate and impassionate evaluation of the situation.