A checking account is what you would use to make everyday purchases, and what you usually put the majority of your check into. Savings accounts are used to save money over periods of time. A percentage of your check may go in a savings account that you don't use.
Answer: Option C
Explanation: In a monopolistic competition market structure, there are many producers selling their products and each product is not a perfect substitute of the other.
The number of producers are large but each operate at a relatively smaller level. The products offered in the market are similar but not identical.
Hence, from the above explanation we can conclude that option C is correct.
Multiplier effect in the 4th round = 3.58
A change in aggregate demand can create a much greater impact in the equilibrium national income. This is known as the multiplier effect. This occurs when injections of new demand for goods and services into the circular flow of income creates further rounds of spending. For example, if the government spending was on building new affordable houses then the need for housing materials will create demand for wood, cement and other housing supplies. Thus, these businesses will see a rise in sales. Whilst they benefit through profits, their employees would benefit from wages and salaries. As their income rises, they will spend it in the economy, and so will the businesses from their profits. This additional rounds of spending is the multiplier effect.
If a 100 increase creates 33 for the second round, it is 33% (33/100 x 100) i.e. 100 x 33% = 33
This is proven since 33 x 33% = 10.89 in the third round.
Hence, the multiplier effect in the forth round = 10.89 x 33% = 3.58
b. Deductible
Since in the question it is mentioned that Kenji who had an illness and had an accident during the year also the combined out of pocket expenses is $1,000.
So this $1,000 represent the deductible
hence, the correct option is b.
And the other options are wrong
Therefore the same is to be considered