The Ultraviolet lights are referred to as electromagnetic radiation that is comprised of wavelength ranging from 10 nm to about 400 nm (nanometer). The wavelengths of these UV rays are comparatively shorter in comparison to the wavelength of the visible light.
On the other hand, the infrared lights are the radiations that are comprised of wavelength ranging from about 700 nm to 1 mm (millimeter). These infrared lights have a higher wavelength in comparison to the visible light.
Those lights that are comprised of wavelength higher and shorter than the visible light wavelength are not visible to the naked eye. Human eyes respond to the light only between red and violet light of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Jenna’s behavior best demonstrates egocentrism—ecgocentrism is
a way where an individual has the ability of which he or she can’t
differentiate his or herself and the other party involved in a specific
scenario or it is also a way of not being able to understand the perspective of
others and even their own.