With low credit, it's harder to obtain a healthy life style. Financially, for example, you wouldn't be able to receive loans from banks due to your credit being so low from previous transactions in the past, which eventually can put you at risk of getting any more loans.
They provide medicinal management for Chronic diseases such as asthma diabetes and hypertension, with the collaboration of professionals like physicians they ensure patients take their medication to avoid harmful effects
I don't know if this is correct but...... cherokee removal refers to the forced relocation in 1836 and 1839 ..... so I don't know if they was the answer u were looking for but that's all i know
The correct answer is Self Theories
When we are harmoniously integrated with our self, in normal situations that do not include extreme states of sensitivities such as mourning, we enjoy the uniqueness and stability of our personality. There is a common conceptualization of Jung for self, present in several works by researchers on the subject. In this definition, Carl Jung says that: "The self represents the goal of the whole man, namely, the realization of his wholeness and his individuality, with or against his will". “The dynamics of this process is the instinct, which ensures that everything that belongs to an individual life appears there, exactly, with or without the subject's agreement, whether he is aware of what happens or not”.
The correct answer is letter "D": Autonomy-connection.
The autonomy-connection tension is a type of discrepancy that arises at different stages during a relationship because spouses feel the need for being on their own but accompanied at the same time. This issue arises moreover in families with children when the spouses do not want to give up their families but miss certain aspects of their single lives.