When the females tend to form a solitary group, the adult males have an advantage of mating with females in different social groups thus enhancing on the productivity of the species.
When both the sexes of the species tend to make a group, the males and the females of the group have to mate with the members of that particular group and hence the males have restricted mating options which reduce the size of the herd. When the females have a separate social group, the males can mate with the members of different groups and raise the herd size in a short period of time. This helps in the increase in the population size and also helps in avoiding inbreeding depression which happens among small grouped animals.
To test hypothesis and learn more about the world around us. We don't want to live in the dark, now do we? its human nature to wonder and imagine and explore. It's the major quality that makes us even human.
if you were looking for a long answer there u go XD. but a shorter one is just to learn about the world around us.
<em>Hewo, Kiluawa (sorry if i spelled it wrong) </em>
High Pressure
Basically, high pressure occurs in an area if the atmosphere over that particular area becomes heavier. As a result, the heavy air above will come down to the Earth’s surface. And the air present in that area will move away to create space for the heavy air.
Commonly, the warmer months experience high pressure. You’re more likely to enjoy a comparatively dry and stable weather pattern in those months. Besides, you’ll find the skies in high pressure areas very clear. You’ll also feel a gentle breeze there that will cool down the surrounding areas.
Low Pressure
On the other hand, the air above a low pressure area is comparatively much lighter than the air below. As the heavy air on the Earth’s surface cannot go further below, it pushes away the lighter air above. As a result, a vacuum is created on the surface level and the air in the surrounding areas rushes towards it to fill up the void space.
Meanwhile, the rising air starts to cool down and form clouds in the sky. These clouds then come down to the Earth in the form of rain. Sometimes, snow is also formed depending on the temperature of the surrounding areas.
In general, colder months of the year experiences more low pressure situations. By now, you probably can guess why. The cold air on the surface level is heavier than the air above. And these low pressure areas are the reasons behind unstable weather conditions like snow, ice, rain, storm, etc.
Hope This Helps!
Everything we have today is because of the industrial revolution