He wanted to initiate an armed slave revolt and loot the armory at Harper's Ferry.
The statement included above is true.
The Federal Reserve is the US Central Bank. Its functions consist on controlling the money supply in order to soften recession periods, to maintain acceptable levels of inflation (price levels) and to ensure maximum employment figures.
The Federal Reserve is independent of the US goverment, its decisions do not need to be ratified by the President. This enables that the decisions taken are only triggered by economic aims and incentives, and there are no temptations, from the side of the goverment politicians, to use the mechanisms of the money supply to achieve short-term political or electoral goals. Money supply should be managed taking into account long-term economic objectives. Its independency from the goverment also makes it easier to approve policies than are unpopular but economically benefitial in the long-run, as afterwards, its Board of Directors will not be punished by the electorate.
However, the Federal Reserve works under the surveillance of the Congress.
Indeed there are many advantages to building cities on a high area; one of which is that these cities are less prone to flooding if proper drainage channels are constructed. During raining season, when water levels rise, cities built on low areas experience huge flooding (despite proper drainage system) as against cities built on high areas (having proper drainage systems) because it's easier for the drainage of low area cities to be submerged by water when water level rises as against the high area drainage system that is well above the sea level and could not easily be submerged by water and hence the city.