Answer: We inherit half our genes from our mother and half from our father. These genes are located on homologous chromosomes, but not all genes will be expressed equally in a person. For example, a dominant gene could block the expression of a recessive gene.
The process by through which the instructions that are present in a DNA is transformed into proteins is called gene expression.
The term is related to to the total number of genes that are inherited from the parents in such a way that a gene contains many information related to the building of proteins and hormones that are necessary for the human growth.
The term Gene expression refers to the transfer of the DNA instructions into proteins. It is the main process that helps a human body responding to the varying environment. It is the main factor that controls and regulates the amount proteins production. The steps transcription and translation is involved in the protein production process
The traits from the parents of an individual like blood group type, color of eye are passed to their children. These are passed through genes. These also passes some diseases also. A gene contains information related to the amount of hormones and proteins to be produced which is done by the gene expression.
There are a lot of forest management practice that cause harm to the forest ecosystems. On of the most harmful is Clearcutting. Also known as clearfelling, in this forestry almost or all of the trees are cut down. It is synonymous to deforestation. It destroys natural habitats.