Trey didn’t understand that some words can have the same spelling and pronunciation but have completely different meanings. The definition completely depends on the context. Some examples of this include draw and spell. While one pen is a type of enclosure, the other is a writing tool.
Explanation:It is a social science. A law in science is when a theory proves true after repeated test and it fits within our larger understanding of the field
Answer: pragmatics
Pragmatic Knowledge : This describes the knowledge of different ways in which language is used in different environment and for different purposes. When pragmatic Knowledge Infants' is to be described, it firstly starts with expression of communicative intent first which goes beyond the use of words such as facial expression, gaze, and gestures.
With the fewest vehicles around you is the answer.
Simply put, the central seat is farthest from the impact of a collision and farthest from the airbag. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that all children under the age of 13 ride in the backseat, ideally in the center.
Assuming passengers fasten their children's seat belts, child seats, or booster cushions, the rear center seat is currently the safest seat in the car.
But as vehicle safety technology continues to improve, this ancient wisdom is beginning to change. According to the New York Times, in past model year cars, experts now recommend sitting in the front seats for adults over the age of 55 if they want the safest place.
Learn more about safest position