2. testing cybersquatting
Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. In this case, phishing domain refer to a domain that is not a trustworthy one but try to deceive user into using it in place of the genuine domain.
Cybersquatting also known as domain squatting is registering, selling or using a domain name with the intent of profiting from the goodwill of someone else's trademark. It generally refers to the practice of buying up domain names that use the names of existing businesses with the intent to sell the names for a profit to those businesses.
Identity theft is the illegal use of someone else's personal information in order to obtain money or credit. It is the deliberate use of someone else's identity, usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person's name, and perhaps to the other person's disadvantage or loss.
From the above definition, it is seen that someone registering a domain name that is a company's trademark, hoping to resell it to the company at an exorbitant profit is called testing cybersquatting.