Fixator (--) helps hold a bone in place
activate site
Mafic -- the formation of the minerals begins anew upon melting.
Mafic minerals set at increased temperatures, which is there in Bowen's Reaction Series. Therefore, rocks collected of mafic minerals are designed at increased temperatures. They are originated in sites deep within the earth and also in tectonic dispersal environments, like the seafloor. Mafic magmas are generally formed at dispersal centers, and signify material which is recently distinguished from the greater mantle. Mutual mafic rocks comprise basalt and gabbro. Mafic rock, in geology, igneous rock that is subjugated by the silicates pyroxene, amphibole, olivine, and mica. These minerals are high in magnesium and ferric oxides, and their presence gives mafic rock its characteristic dark colour.
A gene is a section in the chromosome or DNA and the alleles is the sequence.
The gene determines a specific trait. An allele represents the different variations and alternatives that could be passed on.
You can tell by similar genetic features, eye colour, hair type and colour