Human and apes have 5 fingers that are used for grasping objects, so they have the same function, but they also have a common ancestor and are closely related, that means that this is an example of homologous structures. In evolutionary biology, the term homologous structures means that there are organs and skeletal elements of animals and organisms, that by virtue of their similarity, suggest their connection to a common ancestor.
Adaptive defenses include both humoral and cellular immunity.
The innate immune response is the non-specific immune response and serves to provide an immediate and general immune response. The adaptive immune responses are the specific immune responses. Adaptive immune responses include cell-mediated immunity and antibody-mediated immunity.
Cell-mediated immunity includes T cells (cytotoxic and helper T cells) while antibody-mediated immunity includes the production of antibodies from B cells. Binding of antigen to B cells is followed by their transformation into plasma cells and produce antibodies. Some of the activated B cells form memory B cells that are responsible for quicker and strong secondary immune responses.
Deletion and glycosylation.
Proteins is polymers of the alpha amino acids that are directly linked together through the peptide bond. Proteins plays an important role in the metabolic pathways as most enzymes are made of protein.
The same protein can exist in two different size. This might occur due to the deletion of the particular amino acids sequence in one organism and normal in other organisms. The glycosylation of the same protein at different position in the proteins may also leads to the difference in the protein size.
Thus, the correct answer is deletion and glycosylation.
Answer:</h3><h3>Hydrocarbons are the organic compounds that only contain hydrogen and oxygen element.</h3>