<h2>My name: CORN CORNELIUS CORNWALL</h2><h2>My Age: 209374329 years old</h2><h2>Fav song : Baby by justin bieber</h2><h2>most legendary thing that i got : club penguin membershipMy name: CORN CORNELIUS CORNWALL</h2><h2>My Age: 209374329 years old</h2><h2>Fav song : Baby by justin bieber</h2><h2>most legendary thing that i got : club penguin membership</h2>
Using an author's language wword for word (verbatim)
Answer:The Senate's have 6 year terms.
the rest is good besides the stuff at the bottom
mixed mixed the second and third sentence instead of a period on the second sentence do a comma. for for the sentence she became involved with theater mix it with the next sentence with a comma instead of a period.