Equilibrium means a state of equality or balance between market demand and supply. Refers to a price at which both parties producers and consumers are agreed to exchange.
Prices where demand and supply are out of balance are called points of disequilibrium.
If the selling prices is over the equilibrium price, means that there is a surplus of excess supply, so the prices would go down to returned to the equilibrium price.
The answer is: Compensation
Compensation is not only the money you earn as a salary for the job you perform. It is the total amount of monetary (salary) and non-monetary benefits provided to an employee by his employer.
Non-monetary benefits include perks which aren't part of the salary but have real value for the employees.
The problem for small companies is that their pockets aren't as deep as corporate pockets, so they can offer limited compensation (both monetary and non-monetary).
The correct answer is b. False
The selling cycle is a 7 steps approach:
- prospecting,
- pre-approach,
- approach,
- presentation,
- meeting objections,
- closing the sale,
- and follow-up.
The pre-approach only occurs once in the cycle.
The answer is a bachelor's degree.
A) the implied 1 year forward rates respectively 9,8 , 11,81 and 13,83 according to the formular
b) pure expactations true then
1.108²/1.098 - 1 =11.81% for a two year bond
1.118²/1.108 - 1 = 12.81% for a three year bond
The answere: The will be a shift upwards in next years curve.
c) Assume a par of 1000
in the next year a two year zero coupon bond will be a year zero and sell at 1000/1.1181 = 894.37 to get the return we take divide selling prices at year zero the trading price according to ytm is 1000/1.108² =814.55
therefore expected return 894.37/814.55= 9.79%
c2 the zero coupon bond at three year zero is trading at 1000/1.1282 = 886.446 and according to the ytm the coupon is trading at 1000/13.83^3= 715.607
therefore the expected return is