Cross- sectional
A cross-sectional study can be explained as a type of observational research that analyzes data of variables collected at one given point in time across a sample population or a pre-defined subset.
It involves the use of different groups of people who differ in the variable of interest but share other characteristics, such as socioeconomic status and educational background.
In conclusion, it should be understood that, Cross-sectional studies are usually relatively inexpensive and allow researchers to collect a great deal of information quite quickly, but still show individual character.
How Does It Work? Most birth control pills are "combination pills" containing a mix of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg during the monthly cycle). A woman cannot get pregnant if she doesn't ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilized. The answer is D.
Sometimes people involved in a disagreement must compromise, or A. give up something, to solve the problem.