core competency
A core competency is a concept in management theory introduced by C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel. It can be defined as "a harmonized combination of multiple resources and skills that distinguish a firm in the marketplace" and therefore are the foundation of companies' competitiveness.
You can divorce or seperate.
c. Recognition of assets and liabilities
Determining periodic deferred tax is a consequence of difference of tax as per book profit and profit as per income tax norms.
Thus recognition of deferred tax asset or liability is matching of assets and liabilities, as when we recognize deferred tax asset as in the condition that the tax payable as per income tax is less and as per books is more than deferred tax asset arises.
In this case we recognize the asset, then against that asset recognized is income tax payable, further income tax payable is set off against this asset and income tax expense.
Answer: Option (B)
A nonprofit organization is referred to as or known as a business organization which has been granted the tax-exempt by IRS since its is associated with a social cause and also tends to provide a public benefit. Donations which are made to the nonprofit organization are usually tax-deductible to the individual and organization that tends to make them. Also nonprofit organization does not pays any tax on the donations received.
For-profit corporation is referred to as or known as an organization that tends to aims at earning profit via its operations and thus is mostly concerned or inclined toward it's own interests.
Human development varies widely across the provinces of South Africa. Western Cape has the highest score of HDI of approximately 0.77, while Limpopo to the northern border has the lowest around 0.59. Only four provinces, Western Cape, Gauteng, Northern Cape, and free State are above the national average HDI of 0.66. Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Cape West, and Limpopo have below average scores.