Basically this:
AH asks Germany if they'll defend them, Germany says yes thinking it won't have to deliver on that promise
AH Forces Serbia into war, Russia hops in to defend Serbia
Germany, following through on it's promise, also declares war on Serbia.
Russia assures Germany that it's only mobilizing on AH
France is allies with Russia, but doesn't join the war.
Germany get's paranoid that both France and Russia will invade it since Germany boarders them both, decides to go to war with both of them just in case.
Germany and Russia are now at war.
More chance for trading with groups that were rich, such as Chinese and Indians, and also, the people could take land, and natural resources.
At the turn of the century, the new progressive reform movement heralded many changes, but whether African Americans would benefit from progressivism ...
The technological and industrial history of the United States describes the United States' emergence as one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world. The availability of land and literate labor, the absence of a landed aristocracy, the prestige of entrepreneurship, the diversity of climate and large easily accessed upscale and literate markets all contributed to America's rapid industrialization. The availability of capital, development by the free market of navigable rivers and coastal waterways, as well as the abundance of natural resources facilitated the cheap extraction of energy all contributed to America's rapid industrialization. Fast transport by the very large railroad built in the mid-19th century, and the Interstate Highway System built in the late 20th century, enlarged the markets and reduced shipping and production costs. The legal system facilitated business operations and guaranteed contracts. Cut off from Europe by the embargo and the British blockade in the War of 1812 (1807–15), entrepreneurs opened factories in the Northeast that set the stage for rapid industrialization modeled on British innovations.