The correct answer is: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
This is a government corporation that guarantees the safety of deposits, making placing deposits (saving money) safer for people
Explanation: Context variable are variables with different meanings to different peoples, this type of variable explain, partly or completely observed cross-cultural differences. These may include features of the participants like demographic issues,socioeconomic status, education, age or their cultures like economic growth and development and religious organisations or institutions.
As a step in the relationship
the dead body along with spattered blood in the house
Corpus delicti evidence at the Willow Lane crime scene includes the dead body along with spattered blood in the house.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in its fifth edition (or DSM 5).
This a manual created and published by the American Psychiatry Association, which is used by most of today's psychologists for diagnostic related inquiries on mental health disorders.
Last updated, DSM 5, was published in 2013, and it is still consider as useful when seeking for statistic information.