D) metacognition.
Metacognition: The term metacognition is defined as knowing about knowing, cognition about cognition, thinking about thinking, higher-order thinking skills, and becoming aware of one's awareness.
Metacognition is referred to as knowledge that can be used to solve problem-solving and learning strategies. In other words, it refers to an individual's ability to regulate his or her thinking.
Stages in metacognition:
1. Planning and development.
2. Carrying out the plan.
3. Examining how well it went.
In the question above, Aili is not yet good at metacognition.
You could include Herbert's Simon's satisficing and Amos Tversky's elimination-by-aspect heuristic rules.
From Satisficing strategy, you must decide which are your goals, what do you want to achieve through social invitations.
By doing this, you are setting an aspiration level. Then, you choose the alternative that satisfies your aspiration.
On the other hand, you can use elimination-by-aspects heuristic strategy to reduce the number of alternatives that do not meet the aspiration level.
Answer: It is a salt lake, it is not connected to the ocean, it only has one source wich is the jordan river. The body of water is called the salt sea
Because he expects students to do good research and present their findings with consistent data and arguments. In other words, he has a lot of expectations for the class and believes in the students' potential, so he wants to stimulate them.
Mr. Hustead believes that his students have great academic potential and he wants to encourage that. For this reason, he asks students to prepare to present their findings to friends, so he expects students to research and study what they have discovered by being able to make a presentation filled with relevant and consistent information with a strong academic quality.
The correct answer is E. Nervous
The nervous system is the one in control of the transmission of information in the body, and therefore the system that makes possible coordinated actions and movements. In the case of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or similar conditions, neurons controlling voluntary movements and actions do not work correctly, and therefore the individual cannot coordinate movements or can do this with certain difficulties. This explains symptoms such as difficulties in coordinated movements, stiff muscles or muscle weakness that is part of ALS. According to this, the type of tissue ALS involves is nervous.