Crude oil or related petroleum products are the number one export for several countries globally. With shipments estimated at $325 billion or 41.3 percent of global crude oil exports, Middle Eastern countries accounted for a large portion of global oil export revenues.
For the mock news account, you could present it as if it was one of the greatest battles in history of America, while in reality it was a very brief skirmish that involved some 100 people or less who later went to Concorde. Hyperbole would cause a comic effect so go for that in you mock news essay.
The Indian removal act was to allow President Andrew Jackson to negotiate with southern tribes for their removal to western lands. There was nothing in the west to help them prosper so a lot of the Native Americans died along the way (trail of tears). Im an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe so I'm pretty educated in these departments. Hope this helps!
For the duration of the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress served as a provisional, or temporary, government of the American colonies. The Congress drafted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, which went into effect in 1781.