Push to make switch
The sound is created after you push it. Pushing it is the input and the sound is the output
The buttons depend on what version of MS
Office he is using. Assuming Eric is using Powerpoint 2013, he must press the following:
1st Slide: Insert > New Slide >
Title Only
2nd Slide: Insert > New Slide > Comparison > Click on "Pictures" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert > Delete text box saying "Click to add title" > Insert another picture using same procedures above > Add captions
3rd slide: Insert > New Slide > Two
Content > <span>Click on "Picture" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert 3 more pictures > Click textbox "Click to add title" </span>
In a digital camera, exactly the opposite happens. Light from the thing you are photographing zooms into the camera lens. This incoming "picture" hits the image sensor chip, which breaks it up into millions of pixels. The sensor measures the color and brightness of each pixel and stores it as a number.
True, in order for the text color to be changed you have to select the entire text. If no text is selected one of two things will happen; either nothing will happen at all, or the next wors you type will be a different color.