You right but what if I was always like this but took a couple of wrong turns in life so I could learn the ends and outs of certain situations. I learned how to deal with them and put them behind me without falling down to steep in a hole.
For example in New York, the Erie Canal was dug to connect Lake Erie in western NY to Hudson River in eastern side of NY.
Waterway built to allow ship travel vs. slower overland wagons etc.
One benefit is that if the whole population can vote, then the whole population will feel included in the country and will want to contribute to it. I
Additionally, if there is a group that is excluded from voting, there might be unrest and conflict because this group could clash with the other groups, demanding these rights.
Finally, the decisions will be more informed and will take into account everyone's opinion, not just selected people's
A. Warmer ocean temp because a hurricane draws in warm air from bodies of water.
The answer is a) utilitarian approach.
The utilitarian approach seeks to achieve the greatest benefit for the largest amount of people, even if it involves sacrificing other resources.
A famous thought experiment demonstrates the utilitarian perspective: a trolley is running through the tracks and you notice it will run over <u>five people</u>. There is a lever which you can pull to change the trolley's direction, but there is <u>one person</u> on this other side. The utilitarian approach would chose to pull the lever.