"It burns the prettiest of any wood" is a phrase that, through allegory, focuses on the concept of equality, by establishing that everything that has the same characteristics will ultimately have the same result, since the intrinsic equal nature of things means that, despite minor differences, this difference is not seen in the essence of the thing. Thus, all those things that are essentially the same, such as wood, beyond their minor characteristics (beauty, for example) are equal to each other and therefore will burn in the same way.
Answer:jack and danny were tugging baseball bat and danny slipped and fell down the stairs
Answer: Is that a book or sum???
This sentence:
While hundreds of new hair and beauty products enter the market every year: sometimes the oldest solutions are still the best.
Is incorrect.
The reasons this sentence is incorrect are two. First of all the colon is used incorrectly. Because it is used to provide specific information that falls into a category that is produced by the sentence before the colons. However, in our case we don't only receive an example of that category's elements. But an explanation. And explanations shouldn't be introduced by colons. They should be followed by them, making it very clear the following elements are part of the category presented.