The unrealised profit (PURP) of $5,000 [ (125,000 * .20) * (.2) ] should be subtracted from the profit share of Non-Controlling Interest.
When we prepare consolidated financial statements, we treat the companies of group as a single entity. That's why the intra-group transactions must be removed the consolidated statements. This involve adjustment of current accounts, unrealised profit on sale of goods/non-current asset, loan given by one group company to another etc.
When goods are sold by one group company to another at a markup and the buyer has not yet sold it to the third party, then the markup (profit) loading on these items is unrealised from group's point of view. This needs to be removed from the consolidated accounts because no one can make profit by trading with himself. This profit is termed as realised when the goods are sold to the third party. In the individual accounts, profit on this transaction has a credit balance so to remove it we debit the "cost of goods sold of group" and a credit entry to it is made to "inventory". This credit entry to inventory bring down the balance of inventory to what was the cost of that inventory to the group. Moreover, the recording of revenue by seller and inventory by buyer on intra-group sales and purchase is also adjusted.
After all the adjustments are made, the profit is distributed between parent's retained earnings and non-controlling interest. Now if the seller of goods is subsidiary, like in this case, the amount of unreaslised profit is deducted from NCI's profit share to calculate the profit attributable to parent's retained earnings.
C. Assets are understated
In terms of IAS 2, Inventory cost include, the <em>purchase cost</em> , <em>conversion cost</em> and all <em>other costs directly related</em> to bringing the inventory in the correct location and condition intended for sale by the company.
The Company has not included <em>shipping costs</em> of $100 to inventory cost, hence inventory is understated and consequently this overstates the <em>cost of goods sold</em> and understate the Inventory , gross profit and net income by $100
Selling Expenses have been accounted for in error, therefore<em> Operating Expenses</em> are Overstated and <em>Net Income</em> understated by $100
Constantinople was located in the middle of the Mediterranean seas.
This location is definitely really strategic for Constantinople international trading because its connected the continents of Europe, Asia, and America. This makes Constantinople able to develop trading relationships with a lot of countries, which influence its growth and financial stability.
That the company has a dysfunctionall organizational culture
Dysfunction in organizational culture occurs when the existing culture of an organization no longer advances the organization's effectiveness in the marketplace.
In this case technology innovation is affected by the delay on the addoption of a EPM as Technology in business allows organizations to improve both the performance and overall effectiveness of products, systems and services, which, in turn, enables businesses to expand quickly and efficiently.
The correct option is A, co-opetition
Co-opetition derives its root from competition and co-operation.It refers to an arrangement where competing firms co-operate towards achieving a common goal like the case of two two automobile manufacturers are likely going to be in direct competition with each co-operating in order to develop a hybrid technology expected to benefit both.
Hence option C is obviously wrong as competition is just one side of co-opetition which also includes co-operation
Strategic alliance lacks an element of competition,hence it is also wrong, same applies to collaboration.
Finally, business strategy is generic in nature so it is out of context.