To increase the amount of food produced by corn crops, the farmer could select for more cobs on the corn.
Global climate is changing due to burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
There are several costs associated with using wind turbines to generate electricity.
Using wind turbines to generate electricity comes with the cost of installation of the turbines. A suitable site for installation has to be selected and windmills of the required height are installed. Cost of maintenance is another cost associated with the usage of wind turbines.
The windmills are subjected to several environmental factors like rainfall, sunlight etc. These can cause damage to the windmills. Thus a regular maintenance of the turbines is essential.
Cost of procuring appropriate land for installation of wind turbines is another associated cost. Locations apt for harnessing wind energy are limited. Moreover the windmills have to be set up across a large area to produce energy in a decent scale.
Newer layers of earth form <u>on</u><u> </u><u>top</u> of older layers, so as we dig, we can see further back in time. Comparing the fossils between the layers can offer evidence of change.
<u>Phyletic</u><u> </u><u>gradualism</u> - slow, but constant gradual change; supported by transitional species in the fossil record
<u>Punctuated</u><u> </u><u>equilibrium</u>- long periods of no change followed by short periods of rapid change. Can also be supported by the fossil record when no transitional species are found.
PfEMP1 stands for <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> erythrocyte membrane protein-1. These antigens play a very important role in host immune invasion. Production of antibody against PfEMP1 antigens has been shown to contribute to natural immunity.
Malaria is associated with the parasites exhibiting an antigenically distinct <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> erythrocyte membrane protein-1 subset thereby mediating binding to endothelial receptors.