B. Economists have different values and scientific judgment. Economists exercise both subjective and objective judgments about data that they collect and observations that they make. These values and judgments differ among economists which can affect their advice or opinions, sometimes leading to conflicting advice.
<u>Situational Influences </u>
Situational influences refer to those situation or state conditions which influence a buyers behavior. Physical, social and time factors or buyers own moods, affect a buyers buying habits i.e what the buyers buy and the quantity of purchases.
Physical surroundings refer to the physical situation of the buyer i.e the effect of location of the store, the design of the store etc.
Social surroundings refer to the effect of people who surround the buyer while he is considering a purchase.
Temporal effects refer to temporary or time bound situation of the buyer which relates to the time of the day a buyer visits the store.
Antecedent states refer to the pre existing state of mind of the buyer.
Collectively, these comprise situational influences in consumer buying decision process.
Subtracting the base period amount from the analysis period amount, dividing the result by the base period amount, and then multiplying that amount by 100.
Financial accounting is an accounting technique used for analyzing, summarizing and reporting of financial transactions like sales costs, purchase costs, payables and receivables of an organization using standard financial guidelines such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and financial accounting standards board (FASB). It can be defined as the field of accounting involving specific processes such as recording, summarizing, analysis and reporting of financial transactions with respect to business operations over a specific period of time. Financial experts or accountant uses either the cash basis or accrual basis of accounting.
There are two (2) main methods used in financial accounting for analyzing financial statements and these are;
I. Vertical analysis.
II. Horizontal analysis.
Horizontal analysis compares historical financial informations over a number of reporting periods.
In horizontal analysis the percent change is computed by subtracting the base period amount from the analysis period amount, dividing the result by the base period amount, and then multiplying that amount by 100.
Prosecutors of this case can use the net worth method to determine the extent these executives have been receiving illegal incomes by computing their wealth at the beginning and at the end of the period under investigation.
There will be an increase in the executives wealth, and since this increase cannot be traced to any legal income source, it will become taxable income, with the calculated penalties and fines.
The net worth method specifies that any increase in wealth, which is not traced to non-taxable sources, should be determined as a taxable income for the period under review. Ordinarily, the net worth is the difference between assets and liabilities. Since the executives use the money personally at their convenience, this will increase their personal wealth.