sorry, now I can. here you go! have a nice day!
<h2>A polyadenylation signal or poly(A)
Termination. In eukaryotes, transcription is terminated differently for the all 3 different RNA polymerases. Transcription is terminated by two elements: i) a poly(A) signal and ii) a downstream terminator sequence.
In eukaryotic protein-encoding genes, the cleavage site in the RNA occurs between an upstream( the sequence before the cleavage site) AAUAAA and a downstream GU-rich, separated by approx 40-60 nucleotides. After they both have been transcribed, a protein knows as CPSF and another protein called CstF( in humans) helps in termination.
Well, (not trying to plagiarize) the client is expressing their fear of surgery, and this is from the body's reaction to danger (emotionally and physically).
Well, you failed to mention which one is the recessive trait in this instance. But, let’s say red hair is recessive, denoted by r and brown hair is dominant denoted by R. Mom is rr and dad is RR. All children are going to be Rr and so heterozygous. They will all carry the trait for red hair but will express brown hair themselves, so 0% probability of having a child with red hair from the initial parents