If you do not know you are a brain in a vat, you do not have hands.
This premise is plausible as to understand the handless brain which is floating in a vat. The brain is connected to a super computer and it transmits messages to the brain. The brain receives those message and give signals to perform tasks.
Secure is the correct answer for the above question.
- When any person wants that any information is not hacked by any user then he needs to secure the information with the help of any security mechanism. This security mechanism can be of any type that facilities the user to stop the information are being hacked.
- The above question asked about the work which is needed to stop the message is being hacked. So there is a need to secure the information. so secure is the correct option while the other option is not valid because "simple, economical or verifiable" can not stop the message from accessed by the unauthorized user.
Yes I agree with the other person who answered that