C. a greater number of women have careers outside the home
This is the only question that is the opposite of all the others, for starters. In addition, 2nd Wave Feminists of 1980 campaigned for women in the workforce, so I would likely guess that it would be c.
The most important cause of Samantha's poor listening was "not concentrating".
The four fundamental drivers of poor listening are, not concentrating, "spare brain time", listening too hard and missing the principle details elements and points, making a hasty judgment, and concentrating on conveyance and personal appearance. In this case Samantha is the victim of “not concentrating” as she is thinking about her birthday party activities.
Answer: False. In order to become member of society, person has to interact with society. He has to be involve in its everyday activities to a member let alone an effective member. A person who does not do this cannot be counted as a member of society if he has done anything for it.
Indions went on missions to promote their religion
I think the answer to that question is d and a