Polk accomplished this through the annexation of Texas in 1845, the negotiation of the Oregon Treaty with Great Britain in 1846, and the conclusion of the Mexican-American War in 1848, which ended with the signing and ratification of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848.
The United States Constitution does not specifically address the secession of states and the issue was a topic of debate from after the American Revolutionary War and until the Civil War, when the Supreme Court ruled, in Texas v. White, that states cannot unilaterally secede, except through revolution or through the expressed consent of the other States.
I agree.
First, let's take a look at the beginning of the Gettysburg Address:
"Fourscore and seven years ago our father's brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, concieved in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal..."
(This is off the top of my head so please forgive me if I missed a few words or punctuation.)
When writing this, Abraham Lincoln was giving the citizens of the United States a bit of a history lesson. He explains that the Founding Fathers believed "all men were created equal" and implicitly states that him and everyone else share a common ancestor when he says, "...our fathers."
With that, let me explain why I wholeheartedly agree that "We the People," is the most important phrase in the Constitution:
That small excerpt from the Preamble creates a sense of togetherness, liberty, and suprisingly, justice. Before America gained it's independence, there was no "We the People." There was a monarch who did as he wished. There wasn't any so called, "free speech" and there certainly wasn't a sense of togetherness. Once 'Merica cut ties with the Tories and gained independence, they had to establish their own government. So the Founding Father's, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, upheld a government that is not a monarchy but a democracy. A democracy is a "government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives." In England, you Americans did not have that choice of electing individuals to rule. You did not have a choice as a people. Well in America, you/we were granted freedom and free speech. And now that "we the people" are all "created equal" we can look back to those first three words of the Preamble and see the important history behind them.
¨ Unearthed in 1945 by a group of Egyptians digging for fertilizer, the so-called Nag Hammadi codices were one of the most important manuscript discoveries of the twentieth century for the study of religion in the late ancient Mediterranean world, particularly formative Christianity and Judaism.¨
China was a major country during the Second World War. While China was in the Entente, it never sent troops overseas to fight in Europe, nor did it combat German colonies in the Pacific.
The Sahara becomes the almost impenetrable barrier which throughout recorded history has separated the Mediterranean coast and north Africa from the rest of the continent. At much the same time north Africa becomes the site of one of the world's first great civilizations, Egypt.