judicial arrogance
Judicial arrogance refers to the irresponsible actions displayed by members of the justice department simply because they has the power to incorporate punishment to other citizens, making the citizens scared to oppose them event if they are making a violation.
This can be seen in judge Jones' actions. The most likely reason He constantly disrespect other people and wasting their time is because he know that there is very little chance he can get a consequences for his actions due to the position that the held as a judge.
Se denomina "privilegios" al conjunto de derechos otorgados a uno o varios individuos a través de leyes especiales, que instauran derechos para los privilegiados y deberes para las autoridades respecto de ellos, en el marco de una discriminación positiva basada en las diferencias de estos individuos respecto del resto de la sociedad.
Un privilegio es un derecho otorgado a una persona, grupo de personas o una organización para otorgarles más o diferentes derechos de los que normalmente se reclaman. En la ley se suele hablar de privilegio cuando éste se ha establecido formalmente. En sociología también puede haber privilegios informales, como el llamado privilegio blanco con respecto a la desigualdad social determinada racialmente.
At the urging of pope urban II in 1095,the first crusade succeeded in taking Jerusalem and was the most successful from the European point of veiw. When Jerusalem felt in 1099 crusaders massacred jews, Christians and Muslims alike
The term for the application of the basic laws of nature to produce practical devices for mankind is "Engineering".
Simply, engineering can be referred to as the scientific field which deals with the use of knowledge gathered from science to invent devices. This scientific understanding of the natural environment helps the engineer to invent, design, fabricate and manufacture devices that are useful to mankind.
Therefore, "engineering" is the correct answer.
0 brown triangle and a black star