The word Unity refers wholeness, harmony, solidarity and peace whereas diversity refers to variety or diversification. Unity in diversity refers to the idea of diversity as a unifying principle, rather than uniformity. Hence, unity in diversity means all indigenous living in a country being one, maintaining their respective diversities. Unity is based on tolerance of physical, cultural, social aspects. Unity is a non-violent thought which helps to maintain the brotherhood and sisterhood among all the people.As we all know that Nepal is a very small country. But people of many religion, caste etc are residing here, So for the proper development and for maintaining peace inside the country we all need to stay together, if there is the feeling like non-tolerance, enmity among the people there will occur different conflicts in which many people may lose their family, friends, houses etc from which we all will bear a great loss. So it has been taking great importance in the country. There is greater need of unity in diversity for a country like Nepal, where more than 125 indigenous and 123 dialects are found. Nepal has tremendous social, lingual, cultural, traditional and religious diversities. It is essential for peace and prosperity to maintain unity among them without hurting our unique characteristics.This feature of diversity has made our country unique and rich in its own way. Every language, custom, culture, tradition, religion and nationality that we have is our national strength, beauty, and wealth.
Four stable power blocks emerged following the death of Alexander the Great: the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, the Seleucid Empire, the Attalid Dynasty of the Kingdom of Pergamon, and Macedon.
The type of learner that has the largest number of use first pattern is : Strong-willed learner.
This type of learner has 3 or more First patterns uses. They're the type who keep seeking out opportunities to lead and typically do not like being led by other people
Civil society is important in the context of nepal because it is voluntary, self mobilized, self directed and organized social life style. It helps to develop the various aspect of good governance.
The prices for factor of production depends upon demand and supply of that particular factor of production