Answer:It is industrialization
La respuesta correcta es Sí.
El feminismo es un movimiento social que protesta para establecer un sistema en el que exista el principio de igualdad entre los géneros (femenino y masculino) debido a que consideran que desde la antigüedad el papel de la mujer en la sociedad ha sido relegado y ocultado por una sociedad machista. Este movimiento tomó fuerza desde la década de los setentas y ha tomado relevancia a través de los años, un ejemplo de esto es la visibilidad que han logrado algunas activistas como Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg, quien expresó su posición de igualdad entre los géneros al decir "Deberíamos ser libres para desarrollar nuestros propios talentos, sean los que sean y no ser retenidos por barreras artificiales" Entonces, la respuesta correcta es Sí.
The answer would be because it provided many new ideas to the American colonists.
The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were times of crisis for Russia. Not only did technology and industry continue to develop more rapidly in the West, but also new, dynamic, competitive great powers appeared on the world scene: Otto von Bismarck united Germany in the 1860s, the post-Civil War United States grew in size and strength, and a modernized Japan emerged from the Meiji Restoration of 1868. Although Russia was an expanding regional giant in Central Asia, bordering the Ottoman, Persian, British Indian, and Chinese empires, it could not generate enough capital to support rapid industrial development or to compete with advanced countries on a commercial basis. Russia's fundamental dilemma was that accelerated domestic development risked upheaval at home, but slower progress risked full economic dependency on the faster-advancing countries to the east and west. In fact, political ferment, particularly among the intelligentsia, accompanied the transformation of Russia's economic and social structure, but so did impressive developments in literature, music, the fine arts, and the natural sciences.
<em>They both think fairness is important.</em>