In the era after Wold War I and before the Great Depression, American towns grew rapidly mostly because of the Second Industrial Revolution, which gave way to a rise of factories both in and around major cities in the US.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the U.S.-Mexican<span> War. </span>Signed<span> on </span>2 February 1848<span>, it is the oldest treaty still in force between the ... basic form it called for the cession of Alta and Baja </span>California <span>and </span>New Mexico<span>, the right of transit across the Tehuantepec isthmus, and the </span>Rio Grande<span> as the southern </span>border<span> of </span>Texas<span>.</span>
Yes , I agree.
European countries became the most powerful countries among the other countries through conquest and trade especially in spices and also in textile.
India's land perfectly suits to grow spices and cotton while the conditions in European countries were not suitable.
As their countries were not suitable to grow the raw material for their industries European countries started colonising different countries.
Whenever Vasco Da Gama found the sea route to India the arrival of different European countries started.
However the search of wealth and prosperity by India also made it to be colonised by European countries.
Not my own answer.... It's from Google but hope helps you.