d. Superiority
The response in the statement falls under the Gibb's communication concept of 'superiority'. In this concept type, superiority is a kind of defensive approach or behavior in communication. The sens of superiority occurs when the speaker thinks he is more accomplished in communication than the listener for whom the message is conveyed. 'I have done this a million times' in the statement reveals an air of superiority and the speaker can do it all alone, and without the help of anyone.
In a poem generally the last word of each line indicates the rhyming scheme. It is denoted be letters ABC etc. The first word of the first line is taken as A in a stanza and the last word of each line is compared with it. If the last word of the second line rhymes with the word in the first line then we write the rhyme scheme as AABB. Where B is the another word rhyming with the last word of the fourth line and so on.
Here sky (A) rhymes with lie (A) and air (B) rhymes with fair (B).
So, the rhyming scheme of this stanza is ABBA.
“A Red, Red Rose,” also titled in some anthologies according to its first line, “O, my luve is like a red, red rose,” was written in 1794 and printed in 1796. The song may be enjoyed as a simple, unaffected effusion of sentiment, or it may be understood on a more complex level as a lover’s promises that are full of contradictions, ironies, and paradoxes. The reader should keep in mind the fact that Burns constructed the poem, stanza by stanza, by “deconstructing” old songs and ballads to use parts that he could revise and improve. For example, Burns’s first stanza may be compared with his source, “The Wanton Wife of Castle Gate”: “Her cheeks are like the roses/ That blossom fresh in June;/ O, she’s like a new-strung instrument/ That’s newly put in tune.” Clearly, Burns’s version is more delicate, while at the same time audaciously calculated. By emphasizing the absolute redness of the rose—the “red, red rose”—the poet demonstrates his seeming artlessness as a sign of sincerity. What other poet could rhyme “June” and “tune” without appearing hackneyed? With Burns, the very simplicity of the language works toward an effect of absolute purity.
no explanation :)