"Singular" is is pretty much the same as "one", they both mean a lone object.
Eclectic therapist
Eclectic therapist -
In this case , the person uses various therapeutic principles and philosophies to make a perfect treatment according to the needs of the client , is referred to as a Eclectic therapist .
This method is considered one of the most effective method of treatment , as it is different for different clients , and is totally patient dependent .
Hence, from the question, Dr. Schwinn's therapeutic approach is best described as an Eclectic therapist .
Judicial is the branch that was established by Article |||
Hirschi's social control theory is of the opinion that when an individual has strong ties to family, friends, school and other areas of the society, this reduces his inclination to deviant behavior. In this regard, it is therefore possible for everyone in the society to commit crimes. However, crime is avoided by those who maintain social bonds and family ties. Hence, once a ties are broken, the individual begins to commit crimes without any fear of consequence.