When it is in position one because it gathers all the energy to fall and slowly gets faster.
The most closely related are amphibians and reptiles.
The least related are amphibians and mammals
Amphibians broke off from reptiles, birds, and mammals around 260 millions years ago and next up are the reptiles which broke off around 225 million years ago. So they are the most closely related
Mammals are the last to break off, around 200 million years ago. So they are the least related to amphibians.
Surface area
The surface area to the volume ratio gets larger as the cell gets smaller and vice versa.
<h2>Energy </h2>
Energy flows in only one direction through an ecosystem
- The Sun supports most of Earth's ecosystems
- Plants create chemical energy from abiotic factors that include solar energy and chemosynthesizing bacteria create usable chemical energy from unusable chemical energy
- The food energy created by producers is passed to consumers, scavengers, and decomposers
- Energy flows through an ecosystem in only one direction, it is passed from organisms at one trophic level or energy level to organisms in the next trophic level
- Most of the energy at a trophic level – about 90% – is used at that trophic level and organisms need it for growth, locomotion, heating themselves, and reproduction
- So animals at the second trophic level have only about 10% as much energy available to them as do organisms at the first trophic level
- Animals at the third level have only 10% as much available to them as those at the second level