It was 'fed' by the whole Mississippi river system- everything had to go down river, from Pittsburgh to the Lousianna territory.
Cultural Relativism
The claim that each of these kinds of burial rites can be right would be an example of cultural relativism.
What this term is referring to is that the morality of how true a belief is should not be judged against the morality of another belief. A belief should be adjudged on a basis which does not pitch it against another belief.
Thus, what we are saying here is that to judge how true a certain belief is, it should be based on the person’s own cultural beliefs.
Chemical pollution is correct
Answer: It is a woman's team.
Technically, it's impossible to score 73 points in a game of basketball by just scoring one single point by each member of the team .
In basketball, there are 5 players in a team on the pitch at a time, plus 7 substitutes making a total of 12 players. The maximum number of points that can be attained by each individual scoring only one point including substitutes is 12 points.
So all things being equal, the team was a women's team and not a single man scored a point because no man was playing the game.