1. Poker faced dude in a building eating a doughnut, back facing a bunch of people holding protestor-cards.
2. A woman holding a sweater for a dude whose hands are up.
3. A sketch of the building but with 102 floors.
That's all i could come up with
The second, third and last one
They protect the writer from being blamed of plagiarism and support their own words and background knowledge
The One Act Play ' The Never-Never Nest' is a comedy about a young, naive couple, Jack and Jill. They believe in buying things in installments. When Aunt Jane visits the couple, she finds them leading a luxurious lifestyle
Setting and Context
The story is set in Greenwich Village, New York City during a pneumonia epidemic in the early 1900s.
Narrator and Point of View
The story is narrated from a third-person perspective; the point of view stays closest to Sue.
Tone and Mood
The story's tone is one of ironic detachment; the mood is largely pessimistic, though it ends on a heartwarming note.
Protagonist and Antagonist
The protagonists are Johnsy and Sue, who are simultaneously each other's antagonists, as Sue wishes for Johnsy to live while Johnsy wishes Sue would leave her to die.
Major Conflict
The story's major conflict is that Johnsy has superstitiously tied her fate to the fate of the last ivy leaf on the vine, which is certain to fall.
The story reaches its climax when Johnsy learns that the last leaf was in fact painted on by Behrman, who therefore sacrificed his life to save hers.
When Behrman proclaims to Sue that he will paint a masterpiece one day, his statement foreshadows his brave and selfless act of painting the last leaf.