I believe the answer is C.
Article : “Developing Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Era ofEvidence-Based Medicine: Current Evidences and Chal” states that TCM is yet not so trusted by western researchers but is frequently used in Chinese medicine and has been for many years
When abnormal test results are not properly reported, the consequences can be serious and even fatal.
MCV = Hct × 10/RBC (84-96 fL) •Mean corpuscular Hb (MCH) = Hb × 10/RBC (26-36 pg) •Mean corpuscular Hb concentration (MCHC) = Hb × 10/Hct (32-36%) A rapid method of determining whether cellular indices are normocytic and normochromic is to multiply the RBC and Hb by 3.
Immune modulators are the chemical agent that alters the immune system by stimulation or inhibition of the white blood cell activity.
A chemical agent that alters the immune response known as immune modulators. Immune modulators can stimulate or inhibit white cell activity or immune response, It is generally suggested in the poor immune systems because of disease like AIDS or rheumatoid arthritis.
The immune-suppressants use in the case of organ transplant to inhibit the white cell activity because it is a chemical agent that inhibits the white cell activity or immune response.
Thus, the immune suppressants are the agent that only inhibit the immune response whereas the immune modulator can stimulate or inhibit the immune response.
A. A pharmacy technician asks if a patient prefers a generic or trade-name drug.
C. A doctor meets with a patient who has a rare disease to talk about drug research.
D. A pharmacist talks with a patient who then decides not to take cold medicine.
I calculated it logically