Well.... to start with the "Recession<span>" Tops The </span>Great Depression<span>. When the stock market crashed in October 1929, it was only the beginning of a long period of economic decline and uncertainty that would last more than a decade. ... In 2011 those few years often where described as the worst economic crisis since the </span>Great Depression. But how do the two differ in a quick answer.<span> The </span>difference<span> between the two is that the unemployment rate in "The Great R</span>ecession"<span> was less severe than in "The Great D</span><span>epression"</span>
the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
D. Because Martin Luther King never ran for president, The Lincoln Memorial Was built in 1922, and Negro slaves were already freed because of the thirteenth amendment
As the war approached, it got worse for farmer... The United States responded. First, the U.S. decided to send its destroyers to hunt the U-Boats and keep shipping lanes open. Hormel had introduced the canned meat product Spam in the 1930s. It proved to be an ideal combat ration because it could be shipped easily and wouldn't spoil for long periods of time. Soldiers could fight only as long as they had food to fuel their bodies. So, farmers were exhorted to produce even more.
People were moving to New cities