The conduct code or a manual basically has to define the ways in which people must act in the company.
Every company has a set of standards and how the work culture exists in their company.
This is often a direct inference of the practices of their company in the market and what their place is according to it.
It also depends on what industry the company is a part of.
Thus, the manual makes sure there is a directive way of understanding the rules of conduct of every worker within a company and even for the managers and executive there exists this way of understanding what it is about.
more intense the competitive pressures posed by substitute products.
The lower the user's switching costs: the more intense the competitive pressures posed by substitute products.
Switching costs can be defined as the cost of a consumer switching from a product to a substitute good.
Therefore when such switching costs are low, it will be easier to switch from one product to another, implying that the competitive pressure from substitute goods are higher.
April 11th
the dividends will be paid to the owner of the share one day before the record. This is defined asthe Ex-date ofthe dividends.
Assuming it refers to 2019 Apil 12th
the previous business day will be April 11th (we should liook into the calendar and avoid counting Friday and saturdays
for the year 2019 April 12th is a friday so it is okay to define it as April 11th
Increases and supply does not change, when demand does not change and supply increases.