hallucinations and delusions
This is called antiretroviral therapy. Two other options, PEP and PrEP, can prevent HIV. HIV is a type of virus called a retrovirus. In a person with HIV, antiretroviral therapy reduces the amount of the virus in the body to very low levels.
A person who over eats at his or her family‘s house over the holidays is most likely eating because of appetite
Changes in color and smell.
Wenchuan ; Sichuan
Earthquake is a natural disaster which from geological study is said to be triggered along fault zones due to accumulated stress and strain of fault lines over years. When faults reaches breakpoint along the weakened zones, eruption occurs. The point at which the earthquake occurs is called the FOCUS. with the point on the earth surface vertically above it called the epicenter. The epicenter of the 2008 earthquake is the province of Sichuan. The Ritcher scale measures the intensity of earthquakes and the Great Wenchuan earthquake as it is named recorded a magnitude of 7.9 on Ritcher. The earthquake killed and injured thousands while rendering millions homeless.