Having both the characters of solitude and society in one may reflect quite the different aura at different times.
Here, solitude refers to <em>'loneliness'</em> and society refers to <em>'fellowship'</em>.
In every person, there is almost every time a split personality. A persona of being crowded with people and sharing every titbit with them and always look up to the ones who you admire and are confident from at the time of toil.
While the other sort has a nice time breathing out in isolation. Such people are used to being put and escaping mishaps. Although, a person is always in need of companionship of others. There are times when such people hit rock bottom, they look up to none and expect from themselves to provide. Such people are individualists and they can perform on their own.
Each type has its own pros, but living a life in 'solitude' will help discover the confidence and reliability of self by figuring out different slants yourself. According to Ralph W. Emmerson himself:
<em>“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”</em>
While living a life in 'society' will help with a lot of different options and recommendations to look up to. Simply put, unity is strength and the opinion of minds is far greater in calculation and resolution than by a mind. According to the author R. W. Emmerson himself:
<em>“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”</em>